The basic aim of the Society is to promote common interest and mutual understanding and goodwill between the peoples of Australia and Japan – at all levels.
There are equivalent but independent Societies and affiliated groups in all major center in each Australian state, to which the Australia Japan Society – Queensland Inc. offers its assistance and cooperation. There are also a number of counterpart societies, based in Japan.
The AJS- Qld is a strong organization of long standing and recognition in the community, with membership of around 300 people comprising Corporate, Family, School, Individual and Student memberships.
The Management Committee represents the interests of individual members, business, the professions, academia, students, young members and the Ladies group.
It comprises a good balance of both Australian and Japanese members.
The Consul-General of Japan in Queensland, the Japanese Society of Brisbane, the Queensland Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a number of private individuals are closely involved with the Management committee.
Our focus is on our members in the achievement of objectives through the various activities of the
History of the Society
The Australia Japan Society – Queensland Inc. was established in 1972 under the presidency of Sir Reginald McAllister, Head of the Queensland Premier’s Department.
Mr Lindsay Buckley AM, followed Sir Reginald as president in 1978, and held that position for sixteen years.
After Mr Buckley’s long-standing presidency, Mr Alex McArthur MBE, next held the office of AJS president from 1995 and 1996, and the following persons subsequently held the office of AJS president:
1997 – 2001 – Mr David Russell RFD QC
2002 – 2006 – Mr Ross Humphreys
2007 – 2011 – Mr Ross McConachie
2012 – 2016 – Mr Andrew Hay
Current President – Ms Margaret Rackemann
The Chancellor of the Society is Her Excellency, The Governor of Queensland, and the Co-Patrons are the Premier of Queensland, and the Consul-General of Japan in Queensland.