HPE7-A01 | Aruba Certified Campus Access Professional
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HPE7-A01 - Aruba Certified Campus Access Professional - braindump
Vendor | HP | |
Exam Number | HPE7-A01 | |
Exam Name | Aruba Certified Campus Access Professional | |
Questions | 409 Q & A | |
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WSO2-CEID | PEGACPMC84V1 | MS-900 | NCEES-FE-Electrical-and-Computer | DASM | PCNSE | 156-315.81 | SC-200 | SAA-C03 | SC-100 | 156-215.81 | 1Y0-341 | DP-203 | 312-50v12 | 44202T | APA-CPP-Remote | MD-100 | CJE | CKA | MS-100 | DES-4122 | ECBA | GCP-GC-ADM | HCISPP | HPE2-T37 | IAPP-CIPP-C | ISO-22301-Lead-Auditor | EX200 | ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor | NCSE-Level-1 | NS0-184 | NSE5_FAZ-7.0 | PAL-I | PCSAE | PEGAPCLSA86V2 | PSK-I | PSPO-I | PSPO-II | SAFe-Practitioner | MS-101 | Salesforce-Certified-CPQ-Specialist | Salesforce-Certified-Business-Analyst | CAU201 | Salesforce-Certified-Education-Cloud-Consultant | Salesforce-Consumer-Goods-Cloud | Salesforce-Experience-Cloud-Consultant | Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer | Salesforce-nCino-201 | HPE0-V14 | Salesforce-OmniStudio-Developer | SOFE-AFE | SSM | CFE-FP-D | CFE-INVESTIGATIONS | 101-500 | ACA-Developer | Salesforce-Certified-B2C-Commerce-Developer | Salesforce-Certified-Marketing-Cloud-Consultant | 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| SC-900 | AZ-220 | CIMAPRA19-P03-1-ENG | H12-322_V1.0-ENU | MB-220 | MB-330 | 1Y0-440 | DP-300 | IAPP-CIPP-E | MS-203 | MS-600 | SAA-C02 | NSE4_FGT-7.0 | 3171T | 31860X | PAM-DEF | IIA-CIA-Part3-3P | JN0-104 | 8010 | CPQ-201 | CPQ-211 | 2V0-62.21 | CRT-450 | MB-700 | SPLK-1003 | 4A0-C02 | Service-Cloud-Consultant | CRT-271 | JN0-1302 | DCAD | DEX-403 | 8006 | 8008 | GP-Doctor | MSFP | 4A0-C04 | OMG-OCUP2-INT200 | PEGACPBA86V1 | PEGAPCSSA85V1 | PL-100 | DEX-450 | Integration-Architecture-Designer | Marketing-Cloud-Consultant | SCA-C01 | AZ-120 | MB-210 | MB-310 | OG0-093 | H12-261 | MS-700 | ACE-PT | CFE-FT-FS | ACA-CloudNative | ACA-Sec1 | ACP-Sec1 | SAP-C01 | AICP | API-571 | API-580 | ACP-01301 | Advance-RPA-Pro | EADC | CISMP-V9 | FBA15 | CIMAPRA17-BA1-1-ENG | CIMAPRA17-BA2-1-ENG | CIMAPRA17-BA3-1-ENG | CIMAPRA17-BA4-1-ENG | CIMAPRA19-E02-1-ENG | CIMAPRA19-F01-1-ENG | CIMAPRA19-F03-1-ENG | CIMAPRO19-E01-1-ENG | CCA175 | CMT-Level-II | DMF-1220 | DCPDS | 412-79v10 | PDPF | CBAF-001 | CPEH-001 | ICBRR | GB0-191-ENU | VA-002-P | H11-861-ENU | CIPP-US | C1000-024 | IIA-ACCA | IIA-CRMA | TFNSTRETEICT1100 | FORKLIFT | MTCNA | C100DBA | SEND | NS0-003 | NS0-194 | NS0-520 | NS0-527 | NCP-MCI-5.15 | NCSE-Core | Okta-Certified-Pro | PEGAPCSA85V1 | PfMP | ADM-261 | ADX-271 | Certified-Data-Architecture-and-Management-Designer | Certified-Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Designer | Industries-CPQ-Developer | PDX-101 | TCP-BW6 | UIPATH-ARDV1 | UIPATH-RPAV1 | CAU302 | SOA-C02 | SPLK-1001 | E20-393 | 312-50v11 | H12-221 | SBAC | DES-1721 | Salesforce-Certified-Community-Cloud-Consultant | SPLK-3001 | AZ-303 | AZ-304 | 102-500 | DA-100 | SPLK-1002 | 304-200 | 4A0-C01 | H12-711 | H13-511 | H13-611 | H13-612 | SPLK-2002 | 156-110 | HPE0-S22 | PSAT | CPP-CPA | DCPP-01 | PMI-PBA | EX407 | Servicenow-CIS-ITSM | VCS-260 | VCS-261 | VCS-278 | VCS-325 | CTEP | CWM_LEVEL_II | GLO_CWM_LEVEL_I | HPE0-S57 | 199-01 | MB-500 | CSM-001 | E20-598 | MCAT | CBEST | MB-230 | AI-900 | MB-340 | MS-740 | ASM | MB-920 | AZ-600 | 3V0-42.20 | HPE6-A72 | 2V0-21.21 | C1000-083 | HPE6-A82 | SPLK-2001 | MB-910 | PCCET | DAS-C01 | JN0-553 | GMAT-Quntitative | MLS-C01 | Mulesoft-CD | LEED-GA | MCIA-Level-1 | 2V0-21.20 | PgMP | GMAT | DEA-41T1 | DEV-450 | LFCS | ADM-201 | PTCE | 156-315-80 | SCS-C01 | 1Y0-204 | AEMT | A00-240 | CAPM | Platform-App-Builder | PMI-ACP | PMI-RMP | Nutanix-NCP | 4A0-100 | 010-111 | 101-01 | 201-01 | CCSP | CLF-C01 | DOP-C01 | DVA-C01 | Scrum-Master-Certified | SPLK-3003 | ACLS | ASTQB-CMT | C2090-558 | CLSSMBB | GMAT-Verbal | LSAT-Logical-Reasoning | LSAT-reading-comprehension | 101 | MISCPRODUCT | ACE-A1.2 | MB-320 | PCCSA | 701-100 | OG0-092 | HPE0-S54 | 7220X | OG0-061 | HPE2-E72 | DES-1241 | EX300 | FML-5.3.8 | NSE8_811 | 1Y0-403 | DEA-5TT1 | ATA | 143-425 | 150-130 | 150-820 | 75940X | 76940X | CFR-310 | CWNA-108 | DES-5121 | DES-5221 | EADA105 | EADE105 | IIBA-AAC | Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer | MCPA-Level-1 | PEGAPCRSA80V1_2019 | H13-629 | HPE2-K42 | ACE001 | HPE0-S58 | HPE2-CP02 | IAPP-CIPT | Magento-2-Certified-Associate-Developer | MCD-ASSOC | QSSA2023 | GRE-Verbal | Scrum-PSM-II | Servicenow-CAD | Servicenow-CIS-CSM | Servicenow-CIS-EM | Servicenow-CIS-HR | Servicenow-CIS-RC | Servicenow-CIS-SAM | Servicenow-CIS-VR | Servicenow-PR000370 | CSBA | AACD | ASSET | CCRA | CRT-251 | HESI-A2 | RPFT | WorkKeys | AND-401 | AD01 | AAMA-CMA | PCNSE-PANOS-9 | FSLCC | HPE6-A68 | HPE6-A70 | NCC | NLN-PAX | RACP | RE18 | SVC-19A | T1-GR1 | TCRN | Watchguard-Essentials | ABCTE | ABFM | ABPN-VNE | ACA-Cloud1 | ACP-600 | ACSCE-5X | APD01 | APSCA | ARA01 | CBBF | CBDE | CBDH | CBSA | CHAD | CIMAPRO15-E03-X1-ENG | CIMAPRO17-BA2-X1-ENG | CSLE | DES-1423 | DES-4421 | VTNE | OG0-091 | 4A0-107 | 2V0-51-19 | 50-695 | ANVE | CCCP-001 | SDM_2002001050 | TMSTE | 050-6201-ARCHERASC01 | 4A0-N02 | 5V0-32-19 | DES-1B31 | DES-2T13 | DES-9131 | H19-301 | HPE0-J50 | PCIP3-0 | PR000005 | QlikView-Business-Analyst-Certification | SIAMF | CMA | GRE-Quantitative | HPE0-S55 | MB-240 | PSAT-RW | 4A0-N01 | 830-01 | DCA | H13-523 | H12-223 | 3V0-752 | 2V0-01-19 | ATTA | DES-1B21 | TTA1 | H12-222 | CCSPA | CCE-CCC | CWAP-403 | H31-211 | H31-523 | MAC-16A | 7392X | 7492X | 7495X | CBAP | 3312 | 3313 | 74970X | 250-407 | 050-733 | NCLEX-PN | FortiSandbox | HPE6-A47 | ML0-320 | ABEM-EMC | ACF-CCP | ACSM-GEI | ANP-BC | APMLE | BCNS-CNS | BMAT | CCI | CCN | CCP | CDCA-ADEX | CDM | CFSW | CPCE | CPM | CRNE | DAT | DHORT | DSST-HRM | DTR | ESPA-EST | FNS | FSMC | GPTS | MHAP | MSNCB | NBCC-NCC | NCCT-ICS | NCEES-PE | NCIDQ-CID | NCPT | NRA-FPM | NREMT-PTE | OCS | PACE | PANRE | PCCE | WHNP | WPT-R | 202-450 | CPA-REG | CPA-AUD | PHR | 1D0-621 | NBSTSA-CST | E20-575 | HCE-5420 | HQT-4210 | IAHCSMM-CRCST | NCIDQ | ACE | VCS-413 | 300-100 | HCE-5710 | 201-450 | BCB-Analyst | CAT-340 | CCC | CPAT | CPFA | APA-CPP | CPT | CSWIP | Firefighter | FTCE | ITEC-Massage | H12-211 | Property-and-Casualty | ACMA-6.4 | 850-001 | BCCPP | 050-710 | 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9L0-827 | 9L0-964 | 050-v71x-CSESECURID | IQ0-100 | EUCOC | ACMP | ISEB-BA1 | CMQ-OE | CSSBB | ISTQB-Advanced-Level-3 | LE0-583 | LE0-641 | CRCM | BCP-710 | OMG-OCUP-300 | ES0-004 | CAT-120 | 301 | CAT-220 | A00-250 | F50-522 | A00-280 | F50-528 | F50-532 | SC0-451 | F50-536 | AFE | AVA | S10-300 | 250-406 | 0B0-109 | CFEX | CFSA | 3X0-102 | 3X0-104 | CHFP | PMI-200 | CIA-II | 3X0-203 | PMI-SP | CITP | 1K0-002 | 1D0-61A | TT0-101 | CPCM | 1T6-220 | CPFO | MD0-235 | 1T6-303 | ASF | 1T6-511 | 1T6-521 | 920-803 | 920-805 | IL0-786 | RHIA | HIO-301 | 922-080 | HS330 | I40-420 | CTAL-TM-001 | IREB | ICDL-EXCEL | ICDL-Powerpoint | ITSM20F | MSC-131 | P3OF | SCNS-EN | 020-222 | 040-444 | DMDI301 | CSCP | QAWI201V3-0 | SABE201 | CQIA | SABE501V3-0 | CSTE | ICGB | 2B0-023 | SD0-302 | 2B0-102 | 200-500 | 2B0-104 | TM1-101 | BCCPA | I10-002 | 050-696 | 050-720 | E20-365 | HH0-220 | 050-886 | 050-890 | CLAD | 050-894 | 090-078 | 090-160 | S90.02A | HH0-530 | 090-600 | S90.05A | 090-602 | S90.09A | S90.20A | BPM-001 | CLSSGB | LRP-614 | E20-555 | QV_Developer_11 | MOFF-EN | 630-007 | CPSM | HDPCD | FCESP | ACCUPLACER | 005-002 | 010-002 | CCRN | CSSLP | 200-045 | II0-001 | GE0-807 | NET | PDDM | ASWB | CSET | Praxis-Core | 050-ENVCSE01 | ISEE | 050-SEPROGRC-01 | MAT | 050-v70-CSEDLPS02 | 050-v71-CASECURID02 | 0G0-081 | FCGIT | 920-197 | PSP | CQE | 920-220 | ISEB-SWTINT1 | ISTQB-Advanced-Level-2 | ISTQB-Level-1 | AX0-100 | BCP-521 | IT0-035 | 920-270 | 250-251 | 201 | 301b | 920-327 | HD0-200 | 920-338 | AngularJS | CBM | CCSA | CFE | 3X0-101 | 3X0-103 | CGFM | PMI-100 | CIA-I | 3X0-202 | 3X0-204 | 1D0-610 | CCNT | CMAA | 1T6-215 | CPEA | 1D0-61C | 1T6-222 | CRFA | 1T6-510 | CSSGB | 1T6-520 | 920-556 | 1T6-540 | NailTech | HIO-201 | IBQH001 | CTAL-TA | CTAL-TTA-001 | ICDL-ACCESS | ISFS | ICDL-NET | ICDL-WINDOWS | SCNP-EN | MSC-241 | P11-101 | TMPTE | 4A0-109 | 4A0-M02 | CPIM | QAW1301 | GRE | Series66 | TOEFL | 2B0-011 | BCBA | 2B0-018 | ICBB | 2B0-020 | 3002 | 2B0-101 | SD0-401 | 2B0-103 | I10-001 | 212-055 | I10-003 | 050-701 | 050-708 | 7003 | 050-730 | A8 | JN0-322 | 090-554 | S90.04A | HH0-580 | S90.19A | CLSSBB | ADM-211 | 630-006 | FCNSP | SCP-500 | SSCP | CLSSYB | PB0-200 | NCBTMB | H13-622 | QIA | NYSTCE | GE0-806 | ICTS | STAAR | CAP | ACCP | OG0-081 | CPP | ISEB-PM1 | ISTQB-Advanced-Level-1 | 920-240 | BCP-520 | 920-260 | 001-ARXConfig | HD0-400 | 250-351 | QQ0-401 | CABM | CGAP | 3X0-201 | CIA-III | 1D0-541 | 1T6-111 | 1D0-61B | CQA | 1T6-323 | CLOUDF | CVA | 920-552 | 1T6-530 | CTAL-TM-UK | 922-102 | ICDL-IT | MOVF | 4A0-106 | 4A0-M01 | A30-327 | QAWI301 | Series6 | CSQA | 2B0-015 | ICYB | 2B0-100 | 2B0-202 | USMLE | 050-694 | CHHE | RTRP | GPHR | IELTS |
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Exam Number : HPE7-A01
Exam Name : Aruba Certified Campus Access Professional
Vendor Name : HP
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HPE7-A01 Exam Format | HPE7-A01 Course Contents | HPE7-A01 Course Outline | HPE7-A01 Exam Syllabus | HPE7-A01 Exam Objectives
Exam Code: HPE7-A01
Exam Name: Aruba Certified Campus Access Professional
Certification: Successful candidates earn the Aruba Certified Campus Access Professional certification.
Exam Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes).
Number of Questions: Approximately 60 questions.
Question Types: Multiple-choice, multiple-select, drag-and-drop, and scenario-based questions.
Passing Score: The passing score is not publicly disclosed by Aruba and may vary.
Language: English.
- Network Design Principles:
- Hierarchical network design (Core, Distribution, Access layers)
- High availability and redundancy
- Scalability and modularity
- Network segmentation
- Aruba Architecture:
- ArubaOS-CX switching architecture
- Aruba Wireless LAN architecture (controller-based vs. controllerless)
- Centralized vs. distributed forwarding
- Network Virtualization:
- VSX (Virtual Switching Extension)
- VSF (Virtual Switching Framework)
- Stacking technologies
- Network Topologies:
- Mesh networks
- Ring topologies
- Branch and campus topologies
- ArubaOS-CX Switch Features:
- Switch provisioning and initialization
- Port configuration (access, trunk, hybrid)
- Link Aggregation (LACP, static LAG)
- Spanning Tree Protocols (STP, RSTP, MSTP)
- Layer 2 Technologies:
- VLANs and VLAN tagging (802.1Q)
- Private VLANs (PVLANs)
- MAC address table management
- Layer 3 Technologies:
- Static routing
- Dynamic routing protocols (OSPF, BGP)
- VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding)
- Quality of Service (QoS):
- Traffic classification and marking (DSCP, CoS)
- Queuing and scheduling
- Policing and shaping
- Security Features:
- Port security (MAC lockdown, DHCP snooping)
- Dynamic Segmentation (Role-Based Access Control)
- ACLs (Access Control Lists)
- Wireless Fundamentals:
- RF fundamentals (frequency bands, channels, interference)
- Wireless standards (802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax)
- Antenna types and coverage patterns
- Aruba Wireless Architecture:
- Controller-based vs. Instant AP architectures
- AirWave vs. Aruba Central management
- AP provisioning and configuration
- Wireless Security:
- Encryption protocols (WPA2, WPA3)
- Authentication methods (PSK, 802.1X, EAP)
- Captive portal and guest access
- Wireless Optimization:
- RF management (ARM - Adaptive Radio Management)
- Band steering and load balancing
- Airtime fairness and channel utilization
- Advanced Wireless Features:
- Mesh networking
- Wireless intrusion detection/prevention (WIDS/WIPS)
- Location-based services
- Aruba Management Platforms:
- Aruba Central (cloud-based management)
- AirWave (on-premises management)
- Aruba Instant UI
- Network Monitoring:
- SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
- Syslog and logging
- NetFlow and sFlow
- Troubleshooting Tools:
- Packet capture and analysis
- Debug commands and logs
- Network analytics and insights
- Automation and Programmability:
- REST APIs and Python scripting
- Ansible and Puppet for network automation
- Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP)
- Authentication and Authorization:
- ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM)
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- 802.1X authentication
- Network Access Control (NAC):
- Dynamic Segmentation
- Guest access and onboarding
- Device profiling and posture exam
- Threat Protection:
- Firewall policies and stateful inspection
- IDS/IPS (Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems)
- Aruba's User Experience Insight (UXI) for threat detection
- Secure Management:
- SSH, HTTPS, and secure access protocols
- Role-based access for network devices
- TACACS+ and RADIUS for administrative access
- Protocols for Redundancy:
- VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)
- MSTP (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol)
- VSX (Virtual Switching Extension)
- Link Redundancy:
- LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol)
- Uplink failure detection
- Device Redundancy:
- Stacking technologies (VSF)
- Controller redundancy in wireless networks
- Troubleshooting Methodology:
- Identifying and isolating network issues
- Using diagnostic tools (ping, traceroute, debug)
- Performance Optimization:
- Optimizing RF performance
- Reducing latency and jitter
- Load balancing and traffic shaping
- Common Issues:
- Connectivity issues (wired and wireless)
- Authentication failures
- Performance degradation
- IoT and Edge Connectivity:
- IoT device onboarding and security
- Edge computing and fog networking
- Cloud-Managed Networks:
- Aruba Central features and capabilities
- Cloud-based monitoring and analytics
- AI and Machine Learning in Networking:
- AI-driven network insights
- Predictive analytics for network performance
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